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Our psychotherapy sessions in the Twickenham and Surbiton areas offer individuals experiencing several mental illnesses, such as anxiety and depression, a chance to start healing. Psychotherapy works by having open, honest conversations about your issues with a trained psychotherapist to find the root causes. From here, sessions will be built around tackling those causes using trusted and tested methods. We are proud to offer this service at Magnis Psychotherapy in the Twickenham and Surbiton areas.

History of Psychotherapy

The history of psychotherapy is a long and interesting one. Psychotherapy as we know it today has an ancestry that can be traced back to Sigmund Freud in the 1800s and his psychoanalytic approach. The approach considered mental illnesses as something that grew from the suppression of thoughts and feelings in the subconscious. Since then, Freud's theories have been developed and built on by Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, Jacob L. Moreno, and Carl Rogers. The latter published ‘Counselling and Psychotherapy’ in 1942, suggesting that respect and a non-judgemental approach were essential to successful treatment. Of course, we agree with Rogers and pride ourselves on creating a stable, trusting environment in which to conduct our sessions.

Our very own Vasili Magnis takes a slightly different approach to his sessions in that he provides integrative psychotherapy. Integrative psychotherapy differs in that it is a highly client-orientated method tailored to your individual needs. As part of the approach, we aim to make you as comfortable as possible whilst never compromising real-life results. Drawing from several established methods, the approach involves exploring how your past experiences and relationships have impacted your way of being in life and understanding how you can move on to reframe those thoughts and actions using coping mechanisms.

We want to be as transparent as possible about our services at Magnis Psychotherapy, so you can look at our fees here.

Your therapy is our area of expertise, and our aim is to provide a warm, trusting environment whilst delivering you results.

As well as psychotherapy we also offer CBT and counselling, other well-known talking therapy.

If you have any questions or would like to book a consultation, you can get in touch with Vasili by calling 07988 990 350, or via email:

Psychotherapy in Twickenham and Surbiton

©2024 Magnis Psychotherapy

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